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Three Reasons Why You Should Pursue Purpose

Three Reasons Why You Should Pursue Purpose

Truth be told, the vast majority of the world today are at a crossroad in life and don’t know where to go. There is no sense of purpose or direction; wondering which course is the best way to go but have no idea where they want to get to get to. They know that they don’t want to stay where they are but when asked where they want to go, they have no idea, all they know is that they don’t want to stay where they currently are.

Discovering The Reason For Your Existence

Discovering The Reason For Your Existence

Every one of us at one point in our lives have either asked or pondered this question: why? Why am I here? Why was I born?  Why was I even created? Our young people getting involved with more and more violence…why? People in general seemingly have no sense of direction…why? I have come to the conclusion that the answer to this “why” question is one simple word: Purpose.